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iPhone 15 promax Giveway 8 September 2023 !! participate and win now!

 iPhone 15 promax Giveway 2023 !! participate and win now!    

iPhone 15 promax Giveway started on 16 August a special day in life of Indian so on this special day we open a free iPhone 15 promax Giveway and your chance of win iPhone . So if you want to participate in this giveaway then complete a Five task and win an iPhone 15 promax Giveway in 2023. 

Complete These 5 Task and win iPhone 15 promax in 2023 Don't skip any task if you skip any one task then you lose for chance to win iPhone 15 promax in 2023. 

Task 1.  

Download App and play games .App link given in description of youtube video.

2. Task 2 

Subscribe YouTube channel "AmanTech5M" and see any 5 Youtube video without skipping.if you skip any video when watching so you can't be considered for iPhone 15 promax Giveaway in 2023.

 3. Task 3. 

Share Any 10 video to 50 people.if All 50 people watch these 10 video without skipping then you consider for iPhone 15 promax Giveway.

4.  Task4.

 Like the video and comment if you see full video with skipping and comment on 10 video then you consider for iPhone 15 promax Giveway in 2023. 

5. Task 5 

If a person watch daily video on our channel then  these are considered for iPhone 15 promax Giveway in upcoming Giveway in September 2023. 

If you want to participate in other iPhone Giveaway then click on below link 

iPhone Giveaway 

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