Harmful effects of mobile phone
1.The most harmful effects of mobile is on the eyes . The eyesight is decreased with focus on mobile in dim light.
2. There are millions of people are waste of time on mobile like on Facebook, Instagram.
3. Many mobile which is low price is very harmful effects because battery of these mobile is weak which is blasting at high temperatures .which is very harmful.
4. There are new generation which is waste a large amount of time on mobile which disconnect from parents. Which is very harmful.
5.There is a large risk of cancer which is a very harmful effects of mobile phones. Which is caused by mobile.
6. There is a large amount of depression and nervous system patients by mobile phone . which is very harmful effects.
7.There is a sleeping disorders which effects on regular metabolism. Which is very harmful effects on the body
So that mobile phone is very harmful effects on the body .so use a mobile phone with carefully and attend your timing with parents which is very useful for you.